
Dear friends!

Thank you for your interest in the folklore of Russia and Krasnodar region. The richness of the culture and uniqueness of our country has always united our people in love and loyalty to Russia. The traditions of our people live in us from our childhood. We have assumed it from our fathers and grandfathers through mother’s love.

 The traditions, life and culture of the Cossacks keep the proudness in us for our people, their great life story, love for the homeland. Songs and dances of Cossacks folklore always talk about their way of life, faith, love of free life. We can feel their nature and great will through the songs. And it mainly unites us in our modern life, gives us the strength to new victories.

Our club unites more than three million children and young people of Russia, who study and save the traditions, life and culture of Russian Cossacks through the folk art. Our friends are over 1000 creative groups in the world. We are united by the creative life and a long friendship. We can consider that our international awards lie in love and respect of the peoples of the world to Russia and its culture. We speak the same language - the language of the peace on the earth!



The main purposes of the Organization are:

- promoting of creative and professional work of the social and cultural area specialists, of talented and sport youth;

- creating the conditions for practical realization of the programs for conservation and revival of traditional folk art, supporting initiatives of amateur groups and assist their restructuring and privatisation;

- raising the cultural level of people, promotion of physical education and sports in Krasnodar region.

The main objectives of the Organization are:

- Programs of amateur folk art and sport development and their practical realization;

- Coordination and organization of creative activity of amateur groups and sport teams;

- Creation of information databases for the development of amateur art;

- Arrangement of trips and tours for members of the Organization and other entities in the Russian Federation and in foreign countries for the purpose of promotion the amateur folk art as well as travel and other socially useful purposes;

- Organizational, methodological and advisory information support of enterprises, institutions and creative organizations, unions, foundations, charitable organizations for social and cultural activities and sports;

- Creation of service clubs, forming of music, chorus, dance, acting groups, sport teams, the organization of their performances;

- Organization of exhibitions of folk art of various styles and genres;

- Giving lectures and seminars on actual issues of art, development of folk art, organization of recitals and meetings with writers and artists;

- Organization and promotion of tours for art groups and sport teams;

- Organization of festivals of folk art;

- Organization of sport events;

- Organization and promotion of youth training internships;

- Promotion of amateur creativity, physical culture, sports and others.

For the realization of purposes and objectives the Organization:

-participates in the organization of festivals;

-participates in the organization of international exchange programs;

- participates in international internship programs;

- participates in the organization of sport events and competitions;

- participates in the formation of sport teams and groups of the Organization;

- participates in the formation of music, chorus, dance, circus, acting groups;

- participates in the acquisition of costumes, scenery, tools;

- promotes the development of sport clubs network and sport teams, studios;

- provides publishing activities;

- raises donations of local and foreign citizens, companies, businesses, foundations, government, private and public organizations in the form of cash, any movable or immovable property for the future achievement of the organization purposes;

-provides assistance in the construction, reparation and renovation of cultural, educational and sport facilities required to meet the objectives of this Charter;

-provides assistance in the opening of children, youth, sport and dance schools;

- conducts sports events (competitions, championships, cups);

- organizes leisure-time activities for the Organization members, their families and others;

- organizes seminars, lectures, conferences, interviews, consultations, exhibitions, review of scientific and popular movies and other activities focused on the achievement of purposes and objectives of the Charter;

- propagates and promotes the achievements of Russian athletes;

- propagates and promotes the results of scientific research in the field of culture, art, physical education, sports and other social sciences through the media;

- introduces advanced technologies and programs in the field of sports, dance and other disciplines;

- develops cooperation with Russian and foreign companies, public and youth organizations (centers, federations, associations, etc.), provides actions to promote cooperation with international partners, conducts international economic activity;

- develops and conducts their own benefit events;

- organizes the work of sports complexes and sports objects of different directions;

- participates in various public and social activities and projects.